New Covid-19 Cases Decline Throughout New York

The number of new reported cases of Coronavirus in New York State has begun to decline.  The chart below, which shows the three-day moving average of new cases, indicates that after plateauing from April 3rd to April 10th, a decline began, with cases decreasing from a peak of more than 10,000 to less than 5,000 […]

Will New York Reopen for Business by May 1st?

Recent reports show that President Trump would like to reopen the national economy within a few weeks.  The Washington Post reported that “President Trump — concerned with the sagging economy — has sought a strategy for resuming business activity by May 1.”   More recently, the President said that he expected some states to reopen before […]

Coronavirus’s Impact in New York State – The Curve Flattens

Although Coronavirus cases continue to increase in New York State, the rate at which they are increasing is slowing, most likely because the State and Federal actions requiring social isolation have slowed the transmission of the disease.  The decrease in the rate of increase is evident in both downstate and upstate metropolitan areas.  But, the […]

A Closer Look at Student Performance in Upstate City Schools

Parents in central cities seeking good educations for their children face the disconcerting reality that relatively few city school children pass standardized tests required by New York State, suggesting that the schools are failing.  In Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse and Schenectady, less than 20% of students passed state required English Language Arts and Mathematics exams in 2016 […]